Mar 2023
Small and full of personality, ferrets require a lot of attention when it comes to their nutrition. With a short digestive system and fast metabolism, ferrets should be fed many meals a day (one meal around every 3 – 4 hours). Don’t let their ravenous appetite fool you, because if there’s any pet that has digestion problems, it’s the ferret. Without a cecum in their digestive tract, ferrets are unable to process complex carbohydrates, and thus they should not be consumed. That means anything with fiber should also be completely avoided. Other......
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Mar 2023
Urinary tract issues are all too common in cats. If you’re noticing changes such as your cat straining to urinate, blood in their urine, frequent urination or urination outside of their litter box, it’s quite likely that they have a urinary tract issue. This can happen to cats regardless of sex or age, and if you suspect something is up, it’s best to take action and contact your veterinarian immediately. Common urinary tract issues in cats are often diagnosed as FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease), which is an umbrella term for......
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Mar 2023
With a propensity for obesity, it’s important that hedgehog owners know how to best meet the nutritional needs of their prickly pal(s). Luckily for hedgehog owners, there’s a wide selection of healthy treats to pick from. Fruits such as apples, pears and bananas and vegetables like peas, corn and carrots are all great choices. Insects like earwigs, maggots and beetles are a favorite snack of hedgehogs, also being a great source of chitin. Chitin plays a key role in the hedgehogs’ natural diet, playing a role in their digestion similar to that......
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Mar 2023
With many different species, it can be hard to understand the nutritional needs of your large lizard(s). While each species has different nutritional needs that must be met for a well-balanced diet, it’s generally a good idea to avoid feeding your lizard live mice. This practice can often lead to pet lizards being injured by the mice; an event that can be easily avoided by serving pre-killed mice. This is much more humane for the mice, and they can be easily stored in the freezer without taking up too much space. Like......
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Mar 2023
If you want to mix things up for your pet, consider implementing Fish Friday. Not only will your pet love a little change, but fish is loaded with natural nutrition and Omegas 3 and 6. This little change once a week will help improve a dull or brittle coat over time, and put a smile on your pet’s face. Salmon and sardines are an excellent addition to your dog or cat’s diet. 🐟 One product we love to help your pet get their dose of natural omegas and fish oil is Evanger’s Catch......
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