May 2023

Just like any pet, feeding your ferret a nutritious and well-balanced diet is essential for their overall health and well being. Known for being curious and energetic, ferrets’ dietary requirements differ from that of other pets, making it crucial to understand how to properly nourish them. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the key aspects of feeding your ferret, ensuring they receive the nutrition they need to thrive, with expert tips & tricks to help keep them happy & healthy. Balanced Diet Ferrets are obligate carnivores, meaning their bodies......
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Mar 2023

Small and full of personality, ferrets require a lot of attention when it comes to their nutrition. With a short digestive system and fast metabolism, ferrets should be fed many meals a day (one meal around every 3 – 4 hours). Don’t let their ravenous appetite fool you, because if there’s any pet that has digestion problems, it’s the ferret. Without a cecum in their digestive tract, ferrets are unable to process complex carbohydrates, and thus they should not be consumed. That means anything with fiber should also be completely avoided. Other......
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