Mar 2023

Cats groom themselves by licking their fur, which causes them to ingest loose hair. While most ingested hair passes through the digestive system and exits the body as feces, some hair may accumulate in the stomach and form a ball or mass. When the mass of hair becomes too large to pass through the digestive system, the cat’s body tries to expel it by coughing or vomiting. This results in the cat expelling a cylindrical or oblong-shaped ball of hair, commonly known as a hairball. While hairballs are a normal part of......
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Mar 2023

What is Diabetes? Just like in humans, dogs are at risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes in dogs, also known as canine diabetes mellitus, is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. It occurs when the body is either unable to produce enough insulin (Type 1) or effectively use the insulin it does produce (Type 2). Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps regulate blood sugar levels by allowing glucose to enter the cells to be used for energy. When there is not enough insulin or the......
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Mar 2023

Tips for Feeding your Greyhound An athletic breed renowned for their sprinting abilities, greyhounds are surprisingly calm dogs that make for great pets, especially for those with little ones. With an average life expectancy of around 10 – 13 years, it’s important to understand what your furry friend needs in their diet to ensure they stay happy and healthy. With lean, muscular bodies that require daily exercise, it’s important to provide your greyhound with high quality food that’s rich in protein to match their active lifestyle. It’s important to note that greyhounds......
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Mar 2023

Small and full of personality, ferrets require a lot of attention when it comes to their nutrition. With a short digestive system and fast metabolism, ferrets should be fed many meals a day (one meal around every 3 – 4 hours). Don’t let their ravenous appetite fool you, because if there’s any pet that has digestion problems, it’s the ferret. Without a cecum in their digestive tract, ferrets are unable to process complex carbohydrates, and thus they should not be consumed. That means anything with fiber should also be completely avoided. Other......
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Mar 2023

With a propensity for obesity, it’s important that hedgehog owners know how to best meet the nutritional needs of their prickly pal(s). Luckily for hedgehog owners, there’s a wide selection of healthy treats to pick from. Fruits such as apples, pears and bananas and vegetables like peas, corn and carrots are all great choices. Insects like earwigs, maggots and beetles are a favorite snack of hedgehogs, also being a great source of chitin. Chitin plays a key role in the hedgehogs’ natural diet, playing a role in their digestion similar to that......
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